Job opportunity: Online producer, the Web site for three daily newspapers on Florida's rapidly growing Treasure Coast, seeks an online producer with the ambition and vision to make major improvements to our site. This position, working with me on our online editorial staff of three, will play the lead production role four to five nights a week while also having key responsibilities for redesigning sections, creating unique online content and adding more breaking news and multimedia.

The position requires a creative, self-motivated journalist with a superior understanding of Web coding, design and scripting, as well as strong copy editing skills and news judgment. The ideal candidate would have knowledge of Photoshop and Flash, intimate familiarity with HTML and CSS, and programming experience, preferably in Javascript and Cold Fusion or ASP. Prior online news experience would be a big plus, but recent college graduates with the right skills are strongly encouraged to apply. Candidates must be able to work a flexible schedule and take the initiative to solve problems and make improvements.

To apply, e-mail a cover letter, resume, references and URLs of your work to my work address:

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